Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Say Cheese! (June 11, 2008)

Greetings from Newport Beach, California, USA!
Photo taken on Sunday, March 23, 2008.

I know. I am several weeks behind in my emails. After clearing my last backlog, I immediately got behind all over again but vow to catch up by month’s end. You gotta have goals, right?

My opening line, “Say cheese!” is the theme for this year’s Orange County Fair. For those of you who have not gotten my emails since the very beginning, my first photo of the week was taken at this annual event. I will be going to it again and already have in mind to use a fair photo with the weekly email marking my first anniversary. I will have gone full circle.

The theme is very fitting as I submitted a couple of pictures into the fair’s photography competition. Earlier this week a letter came telling me that one photo passed the qualifying round. Now I need to provide a framed print for the final judging and display during the fair. WOOHOO!

Which photo made the cut? Not the one attached to this email. This photo was taken way back on Easter Sunday and captures elements synonymous with Southern California life – a surfer emerging from the ocean, other surfers bobbing in the water, a setting sun being reflected off a wave receding from the beach. Classic. Iconic. But not the one that I submitted into the contest.

Why did I not include it with this email? I wanted to give you a new picture instead of repeating one. That is right. It is a previous photo of the week. Which one? I will give you each one guess and say if you are right. If wrong, you will have to go to the fair and look for it in the photo gallery. Hopefully next to a blue ribbon. Yes, I am being a tease.
