Monday, October 15, 2007

Photo of the Week (10/14/07)

Greetings from Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California, USA!
Photo was taken on Saturday, October 13, 2007.

On Sunday was my third and final wedding for 2007. No chance on a fourth before the end of the year, right? Right?!?! The ceremony - quick, the bride – stunning, the reception - a blast. And unlike the last wedding, I did not lose my jacket, my lunch or anything else. The day went fast but I have the pictures to show for it. Among the photos are shots of the three bridesmaids and me, of me hand-feeding white chocolate to a bridesmaid and of the bride in my arms being dipped on the dance floor.

But enough wedding pictures. You need something different - like another adventure in San Diego – the third time since August. What else can I possible do there? It’s a trifecta, a triple play, a triumphant trio of trips. I went to a football game, then SeaWorld and now an air show. That’s land, sea and air.

On Saturday I went with a group to the Miramar Air Show, an annual event showcasing the United States Marine Corps. The only performance cancellation was the parachute team due to the previous night’s storm. The wet weather probably made a few people stay home meaning smaller crowds. The cloud coverage also kept us from baking under a hot sun, which eventually broke through in the late afternoon.

Plagued by another low battery, I managed to get three dozen photos or so before my camera shut down. Among aircrafts big and small sharing the airfield with tanks and other military vehicles, I checked out the vast interior of a transport plane, got myself photographed in the cockpit of a Coast Guard rescue helicopter and fought back the urge to buy a BMW motorcycle after sitting on a display model. I even successfully avoided the food booths - well, most of them. I bought some fries but I didn’t buy the motorcycle… This time.

After I walked for what felt like forever, it was time to sit down and look up. The afternoon was four hours of an amazing and action-packed aerial show. An assortment of airplanes performed death spirals, corkscrews, flips, turns, dives and even fly-bys with planes passing within mere meters/feet of each other. The finale was the Thunderbirds – a six-plane air demonstration squadron courtesy of the United States Air Force.

My favorite was the Harrier jet - it flies like any other jet but also took off, hovered and landed like a helicopter. A still picture cannot fully show what the Harrier can do. A video on a big screen television does no justice either. Nothing compares to seeing it live – the noise, the power, the awe. Of course my camera had stopped working by then. Its final shots were of the Patriots jet team complete with smoke trails of red, white and blue as shown in the photo of the week. As Superman says, “Up, up and away!”
