Monday, October 8, 2007

Photo of the Week (10/07/07)

Greeting from Corona del Mar Beach in Newport Beach, California, USA!
Photo was taken on Saturday, October 6, 2007.

It’s back to the beach for this photo of the week. On Saturday afternoon I realized that I hadn’t taken any pictures. Just two weeks ago I was in this very same predicament and I ended up with a shot of my brother’s two pet turtles and a bunch of paragraphs about expired passports and confessionals at Vanity Anonymous meetings. I won’t do that again. This time the weekly photo will be my police mug shot and I’ll write about court-ordered anger management classes and the completely erroneous accusation of airbrushed pictures during my passport office visit. Or maybe not.

The weather lately has been a mild but dry heat. The Santa Ana winds do not come from the local city of Santa Ana but from the nearby mountains. Your friendly high school science teacher will tell you that air becomes warmer and drier as it move down from the mountains and towards the ocean. Centuries ago the Spanish colonists associated the warm dry wind with the devil Satan and the name evolved from Santana to Santa Ana. Okay, class dismissed.

Following the Mexico trip, I had promised myself to acknowledge the end of summer and put my job search into serious mode. My roommate may vouch for my more reclusive behavior this week but on Saturday, with my need for a weekly photo, I ventured further than my mailbox. The “devil wind” cleared up The City of Angels’ smoggy skies and sunsets take on new colors so to the beach I did go. Ask a seasoned photographer about the “golden hour”. It’s a brief period of time immediately after sunrise or right before sunset. The sun hangs low in the sky and the angled light casts a golden glow. I didn’t quite capture that in my photo. Nonetheless I’m impressed by the amount of detail that my digital camera did capture. Sunset at the beach from an empty lifeguard station. Welcome to the OC. Welcome to Southern California. Welcome to my life.


PS: I just noticed the purely coincidental fact that, through my camera’s automatic numbering system, the attached photo has the file name of “DSC00666” (note the last three numbers). I’ll be under by bed covers until the devil wind stops.

PPS: I forgot to blind-copy my distribution list, not a major security breach, but then I realized that this is my 13th weekly email. First the photo's "666" file name, now this. Forget the bed covers, I'll be under my bed.