Monday, July 13, 2009

1 Week, 1 Photo, 1000 Words (2009.07.12)

Greetings from Costa Mesa, California, USA!
Sand Sculpture at Main Entrance of Orange County Fair on Friday, July 10, 2009

The Orange County Fair began this week. It marks the two-year anniversary of a beginning and an ending – the start of this journal and the end of my last “permanent” job. I use the quotation marks because no one’s job is safe in this global recession. With two degrees – a bachelor’s in economics and a master’s in business – perhaps I should have foreseen this.

During a dinner conversation in 2006, I told a home-buying friend that in the next five year housing values would stop rising and even fall up to a conservative 20%. A few years later, the friend recalled our exchange, noting my foresight’s accuracy. In a mature industry like housing, the market has steady long-term growth with cycles of expansion and contraction. The last boom was so large in every way that the subsequent bust would have equally far-reaching ramifications.

Crude oil had a similar story. Prices fluctuate daily with trends both up and down. The mesmerizing climb to $150 per barrel was matched by the frightful freefall to $50 and less. I knew it would drop but it surpassed my guess on how low. Despite my educated assessments, I did not publicly caution people. Would have anyone listened? Greed had full control of the housing and oil situations and only time would reveal the complete set of consequences.

I did NOT foresee the rates of unemployment nor realize when losing my job that I would be among the first of millions. A common employment procedure is “last hired, first fired” but hopefully the reverse does not apply. I do not want to be among the last ones working again. The job search continues but I make time for more pleasant diversions.

The OC “Super” Fair with the theme “Think. Big.” once again offered free parking and admission for the initial hour of opening day on Friday. Two years ago a friend was caught in the fair’s first day traffic and ultimately gave up, turning around to drive back home. Despite my warning, another friend had a similar experience this year but she eventually got in, then we met up and enjoyed an afternoon watching performances and viewing exhibits like the sand sculpture in this week’s picture.

I entered the fair’s photo contest again but my sole submission did not pass preliminary judging. This year’s art gallery appeared smaller. Perhaps the judges were more selective or fewer people submitted shots or both. I saw some noteworthy pieces but overall was underwhelmed. I went to another event at the Great Park the following day and that too paled compared to previous ones like Snow Day and Halloween. Hopefully these lowlights are not the start of a downward trend. I have had enough of those.
