Monday, December 24, 2007

Photos of the Week (12/23/07)

Greetings from Newport Beach, California, USA!
Photos were taken on Wednesday, December 19, 2007.

Last week I mentioned not using people’s names in these messages. It’s one of my rules. What are these rules and why do I have them? Read on…

Rule 1: 500 Words (or so) maximum. This limit helps me cut my ramblings and focus the messages. Also “a picture is worth a thousand words” but if I write that much, will you read them all? Some of you deal with so many emails a day. At my last job I easily received and sent between 100 and 200 messages daily. Then at home, I would not touch my personal emails. I like to believe that you read my messages immediately upon receipt but that is wishful thinking as we all have busy lives. I simply hope that reading these emails (whenever that may be) gives you the same moment of calm that I get when writing them.

Rule 2: 1 Picture. Everyone’s email system is different. For some the photo is an attachment that must first be downloaded to be viewed. For others it is embedded as a viewable image in the message. Multiple files could be time-consuming to access as well as max out mailbox space. Then there are weeks when I barely took any photos and other weeks when I have a tough time choosing just one. I’ve already found a “loophole” to this rule when I placed two photos side-by-side and save it as one file. But this week I have included more than one and no loophole in sight. Sometimes rules just have to be broken.

Rule 3: No Real Names. I could be self-centered and say that these emails are all about me so all other names are banned. Okay, not true. The real reasons? Privacy: I do many things with people who also receive this email and don’t want any one thinking – for example – that I will mention the trip to a “gentleman’s club” with “John Doe”. Simplicity: I only mention people who are absolutely relevant to the picture or message. Mystery: Some things you will only learn if you talk to me directly and sometimes only after a drink or ten. You will only get so much info from my emails. Face time is worthwhile.

Now as a holiday gift, I give you TWO photos. I’ve managed not to bombard you with Christmas shots week after week. Instead you get them all at once. One photo is from a nearby office building. The other one shows some of the lights and flowers that deck the halls of my home. My roommate and I had a small holiday party a few weeks ago. He had the tree and plenty of lights. I had ornaments and plenty of free time on my hands. Yup, plenty of lights and plenty of time. I didn’t use all the lights but sunglasses are now required when entering the living room.
