Monday, March 17, 2008

Photo of the Week (March 16, 2008)

Greetings from Tustin, California, USA!
Photo taken on Saturday, March 15, 2008.

I have spent most of March helping a roommate in his home improvement business. A consequence was coming home too exhausted to spend much time on the computer to job search or write. Nonetheless the cash infusion is much appreciated. Another perk came from a paint sales representative – a booklet of color samples with interesting names. There is “Kermit”, obviously a shade of green, but no “Miss Piggy”. There is however “Miss Hussy”, a shade of gray. The names inspired this bit of fun. Guess which colors the following ALL-CAP WORDS are? Each paragraph corresponds to one color only.

Group #1: For lunch I was meeting my cousin who was already seated at our table, writing in her SPIRAL notebook, working on a COLOSSAL college class report on YATES. She stood up to greet me and I saw that her outfit was a PERFECT FIT, a FRINGE BENEFIT of her part-time job at a dress shop.

Group #2: I was at a blackjack table in the MIRAGE Hotel and the man next to me, from the HAGUE in the Netherlands, would not stop talking. He told me about a cheesy Vegas show that he had just seen where Marvin the Magic MARVEL had SUSPENDED a RAFT in midair.

Group #3: An INVITATION arrived from URSULA, a true PEACEMAKER. The ultimate AUTHORITY on mediation, she could put an end to any argument. Also IMPRESSIVE was her devotion to her faith. She was always ready to light a VOTIVE candle and say a PRAYER.

Group #4: We felt a TINGLE of excitement as the game show host asked, “Do you WANT IT?” My wife possessed an ATTITUDE of determination to win the prize package called SECOND HONEYMOON – a ROMANTIC winter getaway for two to WHISTLER, Canada.

Last call for guesses. Group #1 has shades of yellow, group #2 has shades of blue, group #3 has shades of red/pink and group #4 has shades of purple. Can you believe that someone is paid to name these colors? For one last splash of color, check out the photo of the week – dad and son counting the spoils from an Easter egg hunt. We were supposed to have a game of egg tossing too but we never got around to it. Meanwhile my handy color sample booklet shows that like PHILOSOPHIC, SQUINT and SHINE, EGG YOLK is a shade of yellow-orange. The color may complement my skin tone but I am happy not to have egg on my face.
