Monday, June 23, 2008

Photo of the Week (June 22, 2008)

Greetings from Newport Beach, California, USA!
Photo taken on Thursday, June 19, 2008.

In five weeks, I went from 0 jobs to 1 job to 2 jobs to 1 job to 0 jobs again. Yet somehow I was always able to fine the time to take at least a few photos. Now I have tons of free time once again and I almost forgot to take any pictures this week. In fact I took just two snapshots and one was blurry, making the other one the photo of the week by default. The shot is of a roommate’s wine case and, well, it’s dusty. I could have used the free time to clean the house – vacuum, dust, etc. – but I didn’t. But overall my home is remarkably “clean-ish” considering that I am one of three men sharing a condo.

In other news mid-June is an eventful time for my family. In addition to Father’s Day last Sunday, I have my dad’s birthday on Thursday the 19th and my parents’ wedding anniversary on Saturday the 21st. While I don’t really need to do anything for the latter, former is another story. Yet my dad’s birthday slipped my mind. In fact I recently installed the latest version of Microsoft Outlook onto my computer. It includes a calendar that I had already set up to remind me of birthdays, anniversaries and other “big days”. You see how effective that was.

My mom called to ask if I did anything for the occasion. I said that earlier in the day I mailed a birthday card to him. I said that I also called him but no one answered the phone nor did I leave a message as it would be too impersonal. That was a lie. Luckily my dad had gone golfing with friends that afternoon so the missed call alibi worked. I eventually did talk with my dad and immediately afterwards went out to buy and mail the birthday card.

Yes, I am a bad son. As I have written before, confession is good for the soul. Yet confessions are not apologies and I make no apologies for forgetting dad’s birthday nor not cleaning. Let he or she who has never been in a similar situation cast the first stone. Go ahead. I can take it. Just give me a few minutes to put on the hockey goalie suit before you start casting those stones. Always wear protection. Hey, sex ed class was good for something after all.
