Monday, February 25, 2008

Photo of the Week (February 24, 2008)

Greetings from Huntington Beach, California, USA!
Photo taken on Sunday, February 24, 2008.

I am revisiting past topics to address loose ends. My distribution list has grown gradually thus people started reading with different emails making older topics completely new for some. I will navigate through this conundrum but ask me questions if you get confused.

After 3 weddings in 2007 and 8 (not 9, I miscounted) in the last three years, I have been invited only to a bachelor party so far in 2008. The groom, an acquaintance, is marrying in Dallas and, if invited, I can not afford to go anyway. By the way, with over 189,000 miles of travel, my Jeep had its decennial (10-year anniversary) last Friday. Speaking of traveling, any taken will be domestic, as I still have not renewed my passport. But angst about the 10-year lifespan of a passport photo has eased as I have lost weight.

The weight loss and these emails both started last July with the end of my last job. Neither is a coincidence and I do not intended to stop either upon returning to work. The job search and the baseball references continue with more strikes. I want a base run (any job) or a homerun (dream job!) soon. Money is low but, while having done many things, I was frugal. For example I carpooled to the Mexico wedding, had a discounted pass to Universal Studios and got comp luxury seats for the Chargers game.

Free too was a second lunar eclipse within a half-year. Luckily I saw the August one because storm clouds obscured the recent one and the next one visible in North America is in 2010. No more wildfires but we have had plenty of rain. That inclement weather and odd operating hours makes scheduling another Great Park Balloon ride a challenge.

In the politics of entertainment, Hollywood writers prevailed and stopped striking just in time for the Oscars (Did you watch?). In the entertainment of politics, primaries, etc. have thinned the crowd of presidential hopefuls. The Democrats’ top two, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, are no surprise. John McCain and Mike Huckabee are their GOP counterparts, while my predicted Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, bowed out. The journey to Election Day 2008 will be interesting.

Keeping with the “revisiting” theme, I was back in Huntington Beach at the Hilton Waterfront Hotel last Sunday. I volunteered at a fundraiser held in the Cielo Mare ballroom (Italian for sky and sea). Its ocean view makes it a popular event locale. I have been there several times previously for three diverse occasions: a wedding reception, a memorial service and my 10-year high school class reunion. The wall mosaic with seahorse fountain, this week’s photo, is by the hotel’s swimming pool. Well, I’ve tied up some loose ends and made other ends less loose. Now to deal with my own loose screws.
