Greetings from Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, California, USA!
Photo was taken on Sunday, August 12, 2007.
A friend invited me to watch a football game. For the non-Americans getting this email, this is the American version of the sport where we use the oval-shaped ball, not the other version with the checkered round one that David Beckham and the rest of the world plays.
My friend runs his own business and was being wooed to buy season tickets with a luxury suite. He got a couple of comp tickets for a pre-season game to check it out. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a luxury suite is typically a room behind a group of seats at a sports stadium. Usually the suite is stocked with food and drinks and has chairs and couches where you can sit and watch the televised version of the game while the actual seats will generally have a great view of the playing field. The really nice ones will even have private bathrooms. There is also a premium parking spot too. Often businesses will give buy a luxury suite and seats for the season and give the tickets to employees and/or clients.
Frankly I was not impressed. The food was the typical stadium fare and the view from the seats was partially blocked (despite what you see in the attached photo). The cost would have been $6000 - $8000 per seat for 10 games for the season - that's $1400 to $1600 a game for two seats because you are typically going to go with at least one other person. I didn't see the value and I say that despite the fact that I drank too much and spent half the game sobering up. At least my friend did the driving.
Photo was taken on Sunday, August 12, 2007.
A friend invited me to watch a football game. For the non-Americans getting this email, this is the American version of the sport where we use the oval-shaped ball, not the other version with the checkered round one that David Beckham and the rest of the world plays.
My friend runs his own business and was being wooed to buy season tickets with a luxury suite. He got a couple of comp tickets for a pre-season game to check it out. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a luxury suite is typically a room behind a group of seats at a sports stadium. Usually the suite is stocked with food and drinks and has chairs and couches where you can sit and watch the televised version of the game while the actual seats will generally have a great view of the playing field. The really nice ones will even have private bathrooms. There is also a premium parking spot too. Often businesses will give buy a luxury suite and seats for the season and give the tickets to employees and/or clients.
Frankly I was not impressed. The food was the typical stadium fare and the view from the seats was partially blocked (despite what you see in the attached photo). The cost would have been $6000 - $8000 per seat for 10 games for the season - that's $1400 to $1600 a game for two seats because you are typically going to go with at least one other person. I didn't see the value and I say that despite the fact that I drank too much and spent half the game sobering up. At least my friend did the driving.