Greetings from Costa Mesa, California, USA!
Photo taken on Tuesday, April 7, 2009.
Averaging one stage performance – musicals, plays, concerts, etc. – annually, I hit quota for the year upon seeing Avenue Q this week. A touring version of the Broadway production, this Tony Award-winning musical reminds me of another theatre show, the bohemian Rent. But the blend of human and puppet characters also suggests an adult version of the children television series Sesame Street.
The two road-titled shows have common links. Members of the musical’s creative team once worked on the television program. Taking a “cue” from Sesame Street’s faux alphanumeric sponsors, Avenue Q is brought to you by the letter “R (-rated)” and the number “69”. Within minutes of its start, the f-word is used. Later two puppets are shown having sex with full-frontal nudity, although their bodies only go down to the waist.
Attending the theatre is typically a cultured activity but this show truly tested that notion. Nevertheless this attempt in refined entertainment was fun and spur of the moment. I had the musical’s tour dates on my calendar as tentative, being very conscious of my dwindling bank account, and spontaneously decided to go on a Tuesday night as attendance would be lower and the cheaper seats would be more available. The result – money well spent.
On the weekend I went to a baby shower. Traditionally a women-only party, this one was for a cousin – the middle of three brothers – and his wife. Also the guest list was practically family only. It was hosted by the father-to-be’s younger brother and his wife, who had the triplets (2 boys, 1 girl) last year. Meanwhile the older brother has 3 sons. The expectant parents feel no pressure to continue the three-kids pattern but nature has already perpetuated another trend, as they will be having a boy named Jared. Oh, boy!
Just how male-heavy is my mom’s side of the family tree? My maternal grandparents had 6 boys and 2 girls – 8 children in total. While 3 sons died young, the surviving 5 kids had 10 boys and 3 girls – 13 grandchildren in total. Counting Jared, my generation has added 10 boys and 6 girls – 16 great grandchildren including a stillborn daughter but not a miscarried son. Blue still outnumbers pink but the gender gap is narrowing.
I brought my aunt to the shower and, on the 210 freeway en route back to her home, my Jeep reached 200,000 miles. I photographed the odometer while driving, not the safest thing to do, but did not crash. Then again 12 years and many miles later, a new car would be nice. I have photos of the shower too but not the expectant couple. Oops. This week’s photo is at night of Segerstrom Hall, venue of the musical. From Avenue Q to the 210 freeway and beyond, life’s journey takes many roads. Here’s to the next 200,000 miles.